This time I wouldn’t try to stop the war from happening as France, I’d attempt to co-opt it as America. As I finished up my review for Paradox’s new title I regained the itch for an in-game experiment. I have written a series with this set of games before, trying to stop the Second World War before it happens in Hearts of Iron III. When that button is unchecked, however, things can get pretty interesting. Due to such an issue, developers Paradox Interactive introduced a “realism” button that forces the AI to make decisions closer to the historical reality.

Yet with so many moving parts and so many combinations of AI decisions available it’s highly likely that the game would come out with an alternate-history result if left to its own devices. Hearts of Iron IV is ostensibly a historical strategy game. One nation, no god, with common ownership for all.” “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Communist States of America, and to the Glorious Leader for which it stands. Articles // 6th Jun 2016 - 5 years ago // By Alex Hamilton Conquering as Communist America in Hearts of Iron IV